Best way to discover your wedding pictures

After months of wedding preparation, an amazing day with friends and family comes the time to discover the pictures. Those images are the memories of your wedding day and this first look is the first time ever you will enjoy them. Like a first time rendezvous, I beg you to make it special.

The gallery is there to help you discover and share the pictures. You can select your favorites ones using the gallery. Pictures are low definition, not intended for prints, I will send you soon the High-Resolution pictures.


How to create the perfect first look of your wedding pictures


  • DON’T just have a look at them on a cell phone during lunch, book a special evening together, block a few hours to be able to fully enjoy those hundreds love moments.
  • MAKE everything to create the perfect moment: champagne, candles, flowers, your favorite tender songs/singer
  • TAKE your time, enjoy every image, enjoy them anew.
  • LET tears come, let the feelings of the wedding day come back to you and bring you back to your amazing day.
  • HUG each other and LAUGH, there is nothing better after love.

I LOVE to share this moment with you, it would be SO NICE from you to send me a selfie of you and the setting.

It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT for me to be sure you enjoy this moment, please send me a text or short email once you have finished.



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Wedding photography discovery French Riviera Provence

Wedding photography discovery Provence French Riviera


Shopping list for you love moment

The idea is to create a romantic, casual, pampering evening, make it as unique and special as possible

– Flowers, because it’s a must-have for a rendezvous (your favorites)
– Perfumed candles (there is never too many candles)
– Your favorite meal, or a special meal for both of you
– Your favorite champagne / Wine
– Best quality chocolate (well who need reasons for chocolate ?)
– Have a quality screen: the bigger is the better
– Have you love songs playlist / CD / Vinyl ready
– Tissues, for tears

Once ready text / call me so as me to send you link to the gallery

I wish you an outstanding discovery of your wedding pictures, please enjoy them as much as I enjoyed your wedding day.

Belle découverte et MERCI !


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Are you looking for a photographer on the French Riviera? Look no further! With my years of experience and creativity, I can make sure your pictures look amazing.
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